Two Unique Components

Just as we discovered xanthoparmelia scabrosa and cnidium monnier for our Stamina-Rx®product, we discovered two components not found in any other weight loss product:

1) Acacia Rigidula - Hi-Tech's proprietary, patent-pending thermogenic compound (a.k.a. Thermo-Rx®) is the most innovative nutraceutical for increasing the metabolic rate.

2)Phenylethylamine HCL - considered by chemists to be the darling of all stimulants because it is structurally clean, and also because of its close chemical relationship to pharmaceutical stimulants, which makes it amazingly effective.

Other companies, such as Trimspa®, list phenylethylamine HCL on their label,but as the lab results prove, Lipodrene® has 9,578% more phenylethylamine HCL, than Trimspa®!.

In fact, this dynamic duo of acacia rigidula and phenylethylamine HCL is poised to make ephedra obsolete! (However, we do not make this statement lightly, because Hi-Tech does still manufacture and produce the original Lipodrene®formula with 25mg ephedra extract.)

One-of-a-Kind Diet Aid