Lipodrene® and the
"Thermogenesis" of Fat Burning!

Lipodrene® is a compound that includes Thermo-Rx®, a novel compound that acts selectively on beta-3 receptors. Beta-3 agonists are promising new tools to achieve a sustained stimulation of weight loss and energy expenditure.

Thermo-Rx®'s unique composition of adrenergic amine is unique to the dietary supplement industry. It has a unique ability to work on adipose tissue. Stimulation of these beta-3 receptors elicits the breakdown of fat, known as lipolysis.

Simultaneously, this stimulation causes an increase in the metabolic rate, thermogenesis, that burns calories. Thermo-Rx® is unique in that it stimulates thermogenesis known for its lipolysis stimulation (breakdown of fat) without typical side effects caused by other stimulants, such as ephedrine or PPA.

Unitl now, every thermogenic aid available for weight loss stimulated beta-1 and beta-2 receptors simultaneously with their stimulation of beta-3 receptors. They caused side effects, such as elevated blood pressure, nervousness, agitation, palpitations, etx.

Lipodrene® utilizesThermo-Rx® as part of its thermogenic blend because of its effect on metabolism and the breakdown of fat. Lipodrene® is far gentler in promoting thermogenesis than ephedrine, PPA, etc., and can therfore be used by most everyone!